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Changes to How We Process Insurance as of January 4, 2021

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

To our valued patients,

As of January 4 2021, we will no longer receive insurance payments on our patient’s behalf and will be accepting payment in full at the time of service (except for patients on ministry coverage). Due to the vast amount of different insurance policies, employee benefits and insurance companies becoming increasingly difficult to deal with, we can no longer accept assignment from the patient.

Our main priority is providing exceptional dentistry to our patients and interacting with insurance companies is taking away from this.

As well, much of our valued time has been shifted due to the new protocols of COVID-19 screening and more sanitation duties. By having the insurance pay our patients, it will greatly simplify payment transactions and allow us to focus on patient screening, management, and clinic disinfection - ensuring the environment is safe for everyone. As well, it will mean less contact and less paperwork back and forth between patients and receptionists, which is advantageous in light of COVID-19.

What does this mean for our patients?

  • The cost of the treatments completed will need to be paid in full at the time of service

  • We will still process and submit the claim to your insurance for you (so there is nothing you need to do)

  • The insurance company will now reimburse you instead of reimbursing us

  • We accept Visa, Mastercard, Debit, cash, and cheques.

  • Some insurance companies will reimburse you directly within 24-48 hours via direct deposit. This may require a one-time set up to give the insurance your direct deposit information. Some plans may take 1-2 weeks for a cheque to arrive in the mail.

  • We want to emphasize that this does not change your dental coverage with your insurance.

  • If your treatment involves more frequent appointments and expenses, we can accept payment paid monthly over a three month period using credit card numbers or post dated cheques which we will keep on file.

  • If you are experiencing any financial hardships, please reach out to us to discuss options

What has not changed?

  • We will continue to follow the provincial fee schedule as we always have

  • We will continue to predetermine insurance estimates for major dental treatments

  • We will be available to help you troubleshoot insurance claims if there are any issues

  • We will continue to accept ministry payments if you are on disability or social assistance so there is no change if this applies to you.

The health and safety of our patients and dental team remain our first priority. We trust you will understand this new protocol and we will continue to help you receive payment from insurance in a timely manner. We do apologize if this change may cause some inconveniences. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



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