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How to Prevent Cavities

how to prevent cavities, vancouver dentist for cavities, vancouver dentist, dentist at macdonald and broadway

Cavities or dental caries occur when bacteria in our mouths feed on sugars/starches from our diet and produce acid as a by-product. This acid wears down the enamel and eventually creates a small hole in teeth, resulting in cavities.

Tips - How to Prevent Cavities

While there is no magic solution that will prevent cavities, here are many factors that you can control in order to reduce your risk of getting a cavity. Food and drinks that are high in sugar and/or carbohydrates will induce the growth of more bacteria, leading to more acid production by those bacteria. It is even worse if those foods are sticky and adhere to the grooves and pits that naturally form on our teeth. Decreasing the amount of sugar in your diet is a key factor in cavity prevention.

While changing your diet is a major factor, it can be difficult to make big changes. A factor that may be easier to change is your frequency of eating/drinking. One thing to consider is that saliva is very important in helping your mouth in neutralizing the acid produced by bacteria. Every time you take a bite or a sip of something with sugar in it, your mouth becomes an acidic environment. Saliva needs time to return your mouth to a neutral environment. If you constantly snack or take sips of sugary drinks, your mouth will always be acidic, leading to more breakdown of your teeth and thus, cavities.

A factor that is difficult to control is how much saliva you produce. This is often affected by medications, medical conditions, radiation therapy to your head and neck and chemotherapy. If you have dry mouth, you are at much higher risk of cavities and will need to do more to prevent cavities. This may mean brushing and flossing after every meal, using products with xylitol to increase saliva flow, and/or using a toothpaste of rinse with high fluoride content.

Flouride - Another Method in How to Prevent Cavities

Fluoride is very effective in preventing cavities and in small amounts, such as the amounts in toothpaste, is perfectly safe for our bodies. Fluoride gets incorporated in the outer layer of your teeth and makes your teeth more resistant to cavities. It is very important to use a toothpaste with fluoride. This applies to everyone from infants to the elderly. For babies, a rice-grained amount is sufficient. Floss is also an important tool to clean between the teeth, which is the most common place for cavities to develop.

As we age, our teeth get worn down and our gums recede. This will expose the inner layer of your teeth, which is much softer and higher risk of developing cavities. It is important to pay extra attention to keeping these areas clean.

Wondering if you might have cavities? Book an appointment with us at Lee Family Dentistry at Macdonald and West Broadway in Vancouver, BC. Our brother-sister team of Dr. Janson Lee and Dr. Anika Lee take many courses to stay up to date with best practices, and are happy to take new clients in their friendly office. Opening some evenings and Saturdays! See the other Services we offer including implants, crowns, Invisalign, and more.



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